Day 19…Time to meet the Senators and Representatives…

Today, I had the pleasure of spending the day with a colleague of mine from Jacksonville, Dawn Gilman. She is the Executive Director of the Emergency Services and Homeless Coalition of Jacksonville, better known as ESHC.

ESHC was formed in 1978 by a group of concerned and engaged social services  agencies and downtown religious leaders. They became the designated Lead Agency for homeless services in Duval, Clay and Nassau Counties and incorporated as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization in 2000.

Dawn and I spent most of the day running from building to building, office to office, lobbying and advocating for the rights of the homeless and affordable housing. We were greeted with warm introductions and genuine concern for the lost and hurting of our society. In between meetings we had a chance to share each others experience, insights, and ideas on how to best address the needs of the homeless in our society.

As Dawn will mention in the video, we share one vision that is particularly close to both of our hearts, the opening of a day center for the homeless in Jacksonville, Florida. The people of the streets of Jacksonville have no such place. Day Centers are  places that  provide a safe, healthy environment for people who are homeless and offer them services such as showers, telephones to call potential employers, case management, etc. But more so, they are a place of refuge where the tired and weary can come to simply…rest!

I ask that you support Dawn and the ESHC on our vision for a Day Center for the homeless of Jacksonville. Please feel free to call Dawn at the ESHC @ (904) 384-1366 or send her an email at You can also visit their website at, they would be happy to answer any questions you may have.

See ya on the road,


Dawn Gilman

Executive Director

Emergency Services & Homeless Coalition of Jacksonville


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  • Saved Life: Coast to Coast

    We are launching a nationwide homeless awareness ride titled “ Coast 2 Coast: A Mile In Their Shoes”. We are launching from the Jacksonville Beach Pier in Jacksonville, Florida on March 20, 2010 and finishing at the Santa Monica Pier, just outside of Los Angeles, California. A journey of approximately 2,800 miles. We plan on doing this in a 7 month timeframe. But once I reach California I may continue on a new journey wherever God leads me. I am not stopping until I am convinced I have made a difference in the way people view the poor and needy of society and become willing to do something about homelessness. Did I mention that I am doing this on a bicycle?
  • Our Purpose and Mission:

    1. Encourage people to ask themselves, “Am I doing enough?”
  • 2. I want to better understand the life of the homeless in America, and to see, firsthand, how their needs are being met, directly and indirectly.
  • 3. To encourage Christians to “Live Out Loud” in whatever way that God is asking them too! Encourage them to let faith overcome their fears!
  • 4. To learn personally what it means to depend on Christ and experience pure contentment and confidence in Him to guide me on this journey of awakening.
  • 5. My vision is to and implement our organizational plan for a "Cities of Refuge" Alcohol/Drug Regeneration Ministry to help alcoholics, addicts, and the chronically homeless attain freedom from their bondage and become productive citizens. But moreso, give them a place they can call HOME!
  • I want to challenge people to summon the courage to “live out loud” their faith in God by showing true Christian compassion and gentleness for the less fortunate of society.
  • This is the heart of living a “Saved Life”.

    Are you living it?
  • Who is Jason?

    My name is Jason J. Day. I am a soldier in the army of God. The Lord Jesus Christ is my commanding officer. The Holy Bible is my Code of Conduct. Faith, prayer,and the Word are my weapons of warfare. I have been taught by the Holy Spirit, trained by experience, tried by adversity. I have a desire to effect a change in our society for the homeless …and all those who are lost and suffering. I have made a decision to do just that, to give the lost an opportunity to hope again! I am determined to succeed! Get involved! We are here to offer light to the lost, encouragement for the weary, and hope for the hurting. We are Saved Life. Keep us in your prayers!
  • See Ya On The Road!